We made it! Hotel: Jumeirah Zabeel Saray

We were greeted at at the airport and received first class service. They took us out to a Lincoln Navigator and loaded our luggage. The driver offered us bottled water and cool washcloths. Did you know you’re not supposed to dab your forehead with one? Me either. Faux pas number one.

The drive in was so neat. It reminded me of Sydney it was so lit up. We’re staying on The Palm Jumeirah. It’s a man made island with luxury hotels and beachfront apartments.
We’re now at the hotel. Holy cannolis this place is insane. Everything is gold and chandeliers. This place is so fancy we have a bidet lol. Our room is a club level and beyond huge. I’ve never had a room this size before. Or this fancy.

It’s almost 10pm and we’re just settling down for dinner. This room is just so cool. Even the shower is cool.
Funny for the day: the kids have Nintendo DS and due to electricity being different here, even with adapters they are unable to charge. Forced no electronics rule! Lol!!
